Alelon is a fictional world I started working on several months ago. Eventually I want to make it into a roleplay game. For now I am aiming for something simpler (a text adventure game).

Alelon is an approximately Mars-sized warm planet. It was going through evolutionary and ecological stages similar Earth, but one day it was hit by a pile of toxic waste with magical properties, dumped into space by an alien civilization. Most of it fell out on Alelon’s moon, but some landed on the planet’s surface, creating a zone of extreme magical radiation. This event is referred to as the transformation.
From the point of view of where the plot starts, that was almost 10 thousand years ago. Life adapted, and a new form of magic was developed – after being processed many times through organic matter, it no longer was dangerous, but instead could be used as a skill. However, the moon and the original impact zone remained highly toxic still.
Ante nasin
Ante nasin are a group of humans that lost the ability to naturally age. Out of all survivors of the transformation, they were the ones closest to the impact point, and therefore more severely affected. Contemporary ante nasin possess more magical abilities that other people.
Ante nasin are descendants of a nation that had a strong moon cult, and trying to conceptualize transformation resulted in them believing their deity has died. They developed a set of beliefs that centers the value of information preservation. For the past 2 thousand years or so, they also had a large boost in understanding of research and science.
Aging is regarded as a magical skill, and it is associated with more and more risks the older you get. That is why the majority of ante nasin choose to always physically look between 7 and 13.
They do not have countries or borders and instead live in small communes scattered around the northern part of the mainland continent.
Sartamam (singular – sartam) descend from a group of people that hid from increasingly more toxic transformation environment underground. At present, they possess the least magical talent and are the most endangered by remaining magical waste.
The sartam society underwent a lot of changes and most of their actual history is hidden under piles of political propaganda. Currently they have a rigid caste system, dependent on types of stones assigned to children at birth and physically placed inside their bodies. Their religion is centered around ancient heroes, and their monarchs are seen as descendants of these heroes.
Sartamam have a lot of discrepancy in life expectancy, where higher castes may live up to 150 years old on average, and lower castes die in their 30s-40s.

Eiynentauta is the first sartam kingdom to exist on the surface. It was founded by prince (later king) Zoltnenkol, first as a province of his father’s kingdom and later as a kingdom of its own. It consists of 4 parts with varying degree of autonomy.
Bluarboruloj and zveroljudi

Bluarboruloj (singular – Bluarborulo) are a group of people who practice physical merging with animals and for the most part have furry-like appearance. Despite taking advantage of magical effects on their bodies, they perceive the original magical substance as dangerous and invasive. Their ideology and religion are built on restoring and taking care of ecosystems. A lot of their historical cultural centers are positioned over ruins of an older civilization they know very little about and consider themselves descendants of.
Zveroljudi (singular – zveroljud) practice merges with animals as well, but have a range of cultural differences from Bluarboruloj, such as absence of environmentally motivated ideology and presence of plurality as a common variant of mental norm.
Despite clearly having common origins hidden somewhere in 3 thousand year old past, Bluarboruloj and zveroljudi do not have social equality. Zveroljudi used to inhabit the east coast of the mainland continent more commonly, but were almost entirely pushed out by Bluarboruloj into the northern part.
The Deep South
The Deep South is a collective name for three oldest Bluarboruloj states – Bluarbaro, which gave the name to the culture, Senkapa Monteto, and Espero Pretere. These states have a huge amount of influence even on far parts of the world. They’re run by parliaments consisting of aristocratic priest families.
Harmonio Denove
Harmonio Denove is a colony of Bluarbaro. It has been formed relatively recently and serves further oppression and assimilation of zveroljudi. This area is extremely politicly unstable, and masses of people unhappy about Bluarborulo regulations gather around a military leader Jasenj.
Novarbaro is an island Bluarborulo state in an antagonistic position to the Deep South. It has been founded by emigrants from Citrona Tero, a country previously invaded and heavily controlled by Espero Pretere.
Opposition to the ideological dogmas and semi-isolated life resulted in creation of beliefs and rituals atypical for Bluarboruloj, for example a form of necromancy. A secret research base, run by a former priest Zunam de Spegulakv, is currently working on developing weapons that could allow a final victory over the mainland states.
Konsoko (fungi)
Adaptations to magic are not exclusive to humans, and one of the good examples is a species of fungi that evolved to parasite of animals and humans, giving the former a kind of sapience and allowing them all to communicate with each other regardless of language barriers.
The fungus makes the host’s body last longer by replacing damaged tissue with its own matter, but at some point the host still becomes less mobile and has to settle and become attached to the ground. Traditionally, konsoko prefer to settle in colonies, which also double as spaces for rest and socialization. These colonies are disliked by many Bluarboruloj as unnatural.
The same race of aliens that were previously responsible for the magic toxic waste being released have found Alelon. They landed on an island near the south of the planet (belonging to a Bluarborulo state Internaglacio) and made their base. They have a research mission and are trying to follow ethics of non-interference. However, they accidentally caused a dangerous pandemic.
Aberacioj (singular – aberacio) are a group of people infected by the alien disease. The disease results in radical and unpredictable body changes, and, in case of Bluarboruloj, separation from the symbiotic animal. Out of all kinds of people on Alelon, only animal-based fungi and sartamam are safe from it.
The disease turned into a full pandemic in the Deep South and progressed north from there. Bluarborulo authorities responded to it by mandating murder of the infected.
Help from aberacio refugees was essential for Zoltnenkol to take the territories for his kingdom. Shangingo, a province inside this kingdom, is the first widely known and successful self-managed commune for aberacioj. Despite being far away from the Deep South and having a majority of citizens be ante nasin, it has very strong Bluarborulo cultural components due to having two Bluarboruloj, Terurego and Chasisto de Kristala Tereno, in leadership positions.
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