• Anonymous askbox

    My Neospring inbox I have access to on mobile: https://neospring.org/@killthenatural

    My local inbox (may respond slowly):

    Your question is saved and will appear when it is answered.

    Answers So Far..

    • Someone asked:
      So do MAPs fall out of love with the children they’re attracted to once they grow up?
      • Anemoen (Lecter A.A. Wierstamann) replied:
        Some do, some don’t. Same as teleios when their crushes start aging. It depends on specifics of one’s preference more than on the exact age of attraction.
    • Someone asked:
      Hello, I hope this question isn’t too insensitive but I am curious about trans-ageness. Is age dysphoria a thing? What does it feel like for you? And how does being trans-age interest with your other non-normative identities? Many thanks!
      • Anemoen (Lecter A.A. Wierstamann) replied:
        I actually have a post about this https://wierstamann.net/2023/07/06/my-yto-transage-experience/ I don’t really touch identity overlaps there, but it does feel very comparable to my transgender identity. I feel like embracing dangerous creep stereotypes is about both being a man and being older for me.
    • Someone asked:
      I have some questions that I feel I need to educate myself on. I’m new to this community, mostly a lurker. I came from a place of hate and finally now I understand. Can you be a pedophile, but feel attraction to children not in a exactly…sexual way? More like romantic attraction or idk… like in a nurturing way? Idk how can I explain that… in a non-sexual way? Or the sexual attraction is needed for pedophilia? Can you still feel attraction to children but adults too? Can it be, primarly an attraction to adults but also to children? If yes, how would you be called? Is pedophile correct? Or pedophile is a term only for people who are primarly attracted to children, like, their “focus” of attraction? Sorry for the million questions, I’m still learning.
      • Anemoen (Lecter A.A. Wierstamann) replied:
        Sorry for not replying to this question for so long. These questions get lost in spam. Yes ace maps exist – I am not ace myself, but I am acespec, and I always first fall for someone romantically, sexually later. Being attracted to both adults and children may be referred to as being non exclusive, and it’s a pretty common experience. And any amount of attraction to children you personally feel is significant enough means you can call yourself a map.
    • Someone asked:
      Hey Lecter, I am a non-offending nepiophile (18 months to 6 years), and I feel like there’s very few of us in the MAP community compared to others. Not sure if you’re going to answer this, but is there anywhere to read MAP erotic-fiction online? It’s mostly protected by free speech (though governments care less and less about that), and I’d rather that than any kind of material that is illegal and might show children suffering actual abuse.
      • Anemoen (Lecter A.A. Wierstamann) replied:
        For now I’d recommend “extreme underage” tags on Archive Of Our Own.
    • Someone asked:
      Lecter, I wish you well. I’ve fallen head over hind legs for you. I love everything you stand for and advocate for. Life best be treating you well, liebe, Fraulin.
      • Anemoen (Lecter A.A. Wierstamann) replied:
        Thank you. Are you a therian? I’ve never seen the “hind legs” expression from a non-therian.
    • Someone asked:
      If teens are 11–17, then why does “teen” porn contain 18 and 19 year olds?
      • Anemoen (Lecter A.A. Wierstamann) replied:
        Porn does not reflect reality adequately.
    • Someone asked:
      Previous asker on objectum. You’re right. I agree. I guess my desire comes from the view to be seen as more legitimate which is a trait of trying to conform rather than change the initial view that “fetish” doesn’t mean less and/or trivial. Good points. I didn’t mean for it to be that way of “less” and was somewhat biased (still somewhat am, but perhaps more willing on progress on this). Fetishists are not less. It was a desire of wanting acceptance, probably but I see rereading that it came from a flawed view of trying to acclimate to existing ideas rather than push for change of no attraction being superior or inferior.
      • Anemoen (Lecter A.A. Wierstamann) replied:
        I wasn’t trying to accuse you of bigotry, I’m sorry if my response came across as harsh. Also, got your CC ask. My blog was down, it does this periodically.
    • Someone asked:
      Regarding your graphic on kinks, fetishes and other (with specifiers for age, gender, species, etc). Pretty cool graphic. Though, I had some thoughts on it which I will share. The graphic puts objects in the fetish category and while to obviously entirely categorize sexuality would be very difficult (and I think the graphic was pretty decent overall) so I can understand this (and there are plenty of cases of it being more “fetishism” rather than more sexual orientation-like), there is that in which is beyond the level of the typical boundary of fetish as in objectum sexuality. Those who have attraction near identical (except for the subject) to other biological being subjects. There is also the category of those with spirtual beliefs or otherwise beliefs/perceptions in which objects are MORE THAN “just objects” as in consciousness, sentience, individuality and such. Additionally, “fetish” doesn’t really apply for experiences of romantic attractions to objects. The boundary for “fetish” and “sexuality” with objects is a bit tough since it’s not really often taken seriously enough to have clear definitions. Might be that “sexuality” involves MORE attachment (in my investigations of how it may be defined by others and mineself) and of course, more clear in the situations of romantic attractions. I’m mostly rambling here and it’s not too well thought out overall so some stuff in which I say might be a bit “iffy”/could be expanded upon (which I will realize after I submit, of course). I’m not trying to promote any certain change but rather mention this to see how it is you see it as well and all, because I am curious mostly. (More of a “I feel compelled to write something on it” than a “I have a notable specific idea which I want to convey” circumstance) Additionally: on NNIA, explained simply what’s the difference between .space and .cc? Should a .space-r sign up for .cc instead?
      • Anemoen (Lecter A.A. Wierstamann) replied:
        A fetish is a type of sexuality that’s defined as an attraction to non reproductive body parts or inanimate objects. It can be sexual romantic, both, or neither. Seeing it as something inherently less profound or more shallow than an average person’s sexuality is a type of paramisia. “Objectum” is just a different name for objectophilia, I say it as an objectophile who’s capable of a large spectrum of attractions and long term relationships with objects. Nnia.cc is an extension of nnia.space that appeared after the Newgon admin threatened to take us down. The main difference is that it’s completely closed off from the rest of fediverse. You can use either or both.
    • Someone asked:
      What does “anti-contact” mean to you? Could you define it? /genuine question
      • Anemoen (Lecter A.A. Wierstamann) replied:
        Against direct involvement of someone under 16 into sexual or romantic life of someone significantly older (5 and more years older). An older person accessing pornography that features the younger person counts as direct involvement.
    • Someone asked:
      How do you feel your ASPD impacts your relationships or how you perceive relationships, if it impacts them at all?
      • Anemoen (Lecter A.A. Wierstamann) replied:
        It’s hard to say which part is the ASPD and which part is other aspects of me. I know feeling something in tune with my partners does not come naturally to me, but that’s pretty generic.

    134 responses to “Anonymous askbox”

    1. Someone Avatar


    2. Someone Avatar

      kill yourself you asshole

      1. Anemoen (Lecter L.A. Wierstamann) Avatar

        I’m not going to do that specifically because I seem to upset you.

    3. Someone Avatar

      what do you think about sex offender registries?

      1. Anemoen (Lecter L.A. Wierstamann) Avatar

        I’m against them. Not only it comes with a large reduction in rights (can’t go to certain places, can’t take certain jobs), but this particular group of crimes also has some of the lowest rates of recidivism. So it’s both discriminatory and useless.

    4. Someone Avatar

      Thoughts on scat?

      1. Anemoen (Lecter L.A. Wierstamann) Avatar

        Not my thing, although there was a time when I tried to test the waters and see if I like scat porn. But I’m fully supportive of those who are into it. It sucks to see how they’re treated online. This is a beautiful orientation that deserves love.

    5. Someone Avatar

      Several questions: 1: What do you think of getting banned from ask freak u? 2: What are your thoughts on being called a dozer? 3: Are you on Iris’s side or against? You being friends with them kinda caused the weird accusations toward you. (I’m personally pro because I like Iris a lot and believe their haters have done worse) 4: Don’t you have a curioscat? Why can’t you you use that as a replacement?

      1. Anemoen (Lecter L.A. Wierstamann) Avatar

        1: What do you think of getting banned from ask freak u?

        Well, I’m upset, obviously. I liked that askbox. But I can move on. It’s far from the first, or the biggest things I lost while being in this community.

        2: What are your thoughts on being called a dozer?

        The word was “doxxer”, I assume? The “doxxing” in question was using someone’s name/Discord username, with no addition of any information like last name, location, etc. This person attacked, stalked, and slandered me in 2020, and tried to weasel back into my life from her new account before I found out it was her. Saying who she was and what she did every time she tried something again has been my means of self defense since I found out. What she means when she says “Lecter doxxed me” is “Lecter connected my undercover fedi identity to my past Discord identity under which I was doxxed by antis”, but this does not make the harm I experienced from her any less real, and it does not mean she has not been periodically trying to harm me ever since.

        3: Are you on Iris’s side or against? You being friends with them kinda caused the weird accusations toward you. (I’m personally pro because I like Iris a lot and believe their haters have done worse)

        I am on their side.

        4: Don’t you have a curioscat? Why can’t you you use that as a replacement?

        CC logged me out again, and logging back in through my (three and a half years ago suspended) Twitter is a pain in the ass. I also don’t really trust it not to remove the bug that allows using suspended accounts.

    6. Someone Avatar

      What are those funky creatures on the anon icons? Did you draw them?

      1. Anemoen (Lecter L.A. Wierstamann) Avatar

        No, these come with the plugin I use.

    7. Someone Avatar

      What’s up with NNIA haters? A lot of them keep acting like those on your instance are empty headed fleshbags that obey you or some shit, it’s very confusing.

      1. Anemoen (Lecter L.A. Wierstamann) Avatar

        I can assure you that nobody outside of maybe ten people particularly likes me or trusts me, and a half of these people can’t stand each other.

    8. Someone Avatar

      >I’m not going to do that specifically because I seem to upset you.

      Don’t worry, I know where you live, you won’t last much longer. Be worried, you piece of shit.

      1. Anemoen (Lecter L.A. Wierstamann) Avatar

        You better come here yourself, or you’re a coward.

    9. Someone Avatar

      Not an ask, but I read your ao3 stuff. I really enjoyed them. It was also quite something to read a work with a people I knew (though not personally, we never talked outside of anonymous asks I’ve sent)

      1. Anemoen (Lecter L.A. Wierstamann) Avatar

        I have two more unfinished works for this universe, and one I finished but never published there.

    10. Someone Avatar

      Do you plan on publishing more of your fictional works?

      1. Anemoen (Lecter L.A. Wierstamann) Avatar

        I have a blog with other, non-7S related stories elsewhere. But there’s not much there. I’m not really a fiction person.

    11. Someone Avatar

      What are your thoughts on baby pufferfish

      1. Anemoen (Lecter L.A. Wierstamann) Avatar

        It’s a future adult pufferfish, if it gets lucky.

    12. Someone Avatar

      You’ve been going through far too much bullshit as of late. Hope things calm down soon

    13. Someone Avatar

      So are you really not going to address the claim that you blackmailed people?

      1. Anemoen (Lecter L.A. Wierstamann) Avatar

        I am not going to “address” every rumor that’s coming out of your facial trashcan. I am not a youtube influencer.

    14. Someone Avatar

      i cant believe people take that “lecter’s cult” shit seriously i thought it was just a meme (ToT)

      1. Anemoen (Lecter L.A. Wierstamann) Avatar

        In 2018 we at least had a sense of taste to call it “lecterkin”.

    15. Someone Avatar

      I don’t want you to make a youtube apology video, a simple “No I didn’t blackmail anyone.”You can even call me any number of insulting things for annoying you, I don’t mind.

      1. Anemoen (Lecter L.A. Wierstamann) Avatar

        I did not doxx anyone. But y’all aren’t taking a “no” for an answer, are you?

    16. Someone Avatar

      Do you sleep well? Not trying to be creepy, I just noticed the time stamps on your asks say it’s very early in the morning (no judging, I do that too. I’m just curious)

      1. Anemoen (Lecter L.A. Wierstamann) Avatar

        No, I don’t sleep well, but this has nothing to do with the current situation, nor it is a new problem.

    17. Someone Avatar

      Anon isn’t even saying “doxxing,” they’re saying “blackmailing.” That’s a different thing but wtf are they talking about? WHO do they think you blackmailed. Challenge for anon, say who that person was and what year this event took in and then you can talk.

      1. Anemoen (Lecter L.A. Wierstamann) Avatar

        As far as I know, the blackmailing accusation comes from the person who wouldn’t stop sexually harassing people several years ago and had to quit the community because someone seriously didn’t like it.

    18. Someone Avatar

      when did you start bleaching your hair?

    19. Someone Avatar

      And so the walls around the domain crumble around your head. Who knew keeping around an anti and a doxxer would lead to you becoming one yourself?

      And there was a point in time I liked you. Trusted you.

      How time changes people, doesn’t it.

      1. Anemoen (Lecter L.A. Wierstamann) Avatar

        “the walls around the domain crumble around your head” is sure a poetic way to say “the Ewgone admin is reporting you to your domain provider because he’s mad at you”. Also, I sincerely hope you get disappointed in everyone the same way you got disappointed in me and start thinking for yourself finally, instead of repeating after your current admiration object.

    20. Someone Avatar

      Yo, NNIA is apparently mentioned in the comments of some r/transabledcringe post. I didn’t even know there was such a sub

      1. Anemoen (Lecter L.A. Wierstamann) Avatar

        I knew that place. Reddit is a cesspool of such shit. They just hate it when others don’t want to be normal.

    21. Someone Avatar

      Im trying to stay out of the drama but the “lecter cult” thing is hilarious lowkey

      It reads like a copypasta

      1. Anemoen (Lecter L.A. Wierstamann) Avatar

        I really don’t want to lash out at anyone outside of those directly responsible for what’s going on, but I want to warn you I may accidentally do that to people who find this situation funny – because I currently interpret jokes as siding with people who accuse me unless there’s bigger context explained. I’m sorry if this happens to you.

    22. Someone Avatar

      I’m grateful you’ve made a great place for those with marginalized identities to just hang out and feel the world makes sense for a little while. Due to personal reasons, I can’t join your instance for at least a couple of years. (I’m very technologically illiterate, so too much risk) I hope things calm down for you Comrade.

    23. Someone Avatar

      What’s Lecterkin?

      1. Anemoen (Lecter L.A. Wierstamann) Avatar

        Do you know what a kin is? Not in terms of relatives, but in terms of the otherkin community. Lecterkin were people claiming to be kin with me, mostly as a joke.

    24. Someone Avatar

      What plug-in do you use? I like these funky creatures

      1. Anemoen (Lecter L.A. Wierstamann) Avatar

        It’s called “Ask Me Anything”. I am still not exactly happy with it, because for some reason I can’t remove the second list of questions that’s under the main one, and it also goes backwards. But I have more things to do than that now.

    25. Someone Avatar

      Okay now I want to know *how* exactly anon thinks you “blackmailed” that person. This all sounds so vague. It’s unhinged. People aren’t even claiming it on fedi that much it just seems so out of the blue.

      1. Anemoen (Lecter L.A. Wierstamann) Avatar

        No, I mean that this person themself is saying that. I saw a post. They’re on fedi now.

    26. Someone Avatar

      I knew what kin is, but I thought it had a different context. That’s interesting to know

    27. Someone Avatar

      I do hope ewgone gets deplatformed soon. (It has been a week, and they’re still on YouTube somehow)

      1. Anemoen (Lecter L.A. Wierstamann) Avatar

        It took YouTube a few months to get my account. But I wasn’t very active there, to be honest.

    28. Someone Avatar

      Ok, I read the lecter kin blog more and I am now confused. They actually hate you?? I am also realizing that is not iris from nnia

      1. Anemoen (Lecter L.A. Wierstamann) Avatar

        I deleted your earlier ask with the text “Just checked it out, and I very amused!! Plus it’s Iris, my favorite paractivist” from my inbox, so the discussion stays relevant. Yeah, it’s not our Iris, our Iris wasn’t in the community yet at that point.

    29. Someone Avatar

      They mentioned Francis too?? (Lecter kin I mean)

      1. Anemoen (Lecter L.A. Wierstamann) Avatar
    30. Someone Avatar

      What did you post on your YouTube account?

      1. Anemoen (Lecter L.A. Wierstamann) Avatar

        A general intro into mapness, a review of a particularly annoying bait account, something else. Not much.

    31. Someone Avatar

      What song have you been playing on repeat lately, if any?<3

      1. Anemoen (Lecter L.A. Wierstamann) Avatar

        I cycle through music a lot, and I tend to get stuck on a particular song for a day or two. Recently this was “Gloria” by Apostolica.

    32. Someone Avatar

      You post digital art sometimes but do you do any art/crafts non-digitally?<3

      1. Anemoen (Lecter L.A. Wierstamann) Avatar

        No. I have some insecurities around creating physical objects, because I cannot immortalize them by putting them in a space where they will be seen by a lot of people and can be saved and reshared.

    33. Someone Avatar

      What’s your favorite flower or plant<3?

      1. Anemoen (Lecter L.A. Wierstamann) Avatar
    34. Someone Avatar

      if i tried to apply to the original nnia masto server and never heard anything, does that mean i shouldn’t apply to join the new one?

      1. Anemoen (Lecter L.A. Wierstamann) Avatar

        What did you say in your application? I reject applications that aren’t specific enough.

    35. Someone Avatar

      How do you feel about people being intimidated by you?

      1. Anemoen (Lecter L.A. Wierstamann) Avatar

        It depends. If you’re someone I like and know well, I’ll be flattered, if you’re a stranger, I’ll likely find it annoying.

    36. Someone Avatar

      masto anon: i don’t recall the language but am pretty sure i said i was an ally/possible map. i thought about naming an artist i’m familiar with who has mentioned you as a resource before but can’t recall if i actually did so – wasn’t sure if that would be a violation of the artist’s privacy.

      1. Anemoen (Lecter L.A. Wierstamann) Avatar

        I don’t remember removing any application from a person who identified themself as a map or an ally. It probably glitched.

    37. Someone Avatar

      what do u think about bpd

    38. Someone Avatar

      Do you have a tumblr?

    39. Someone Avatar

      How to argue with pro-cs who say something like “What is so special about this number?”?

      1. Anemoen (Lecter A.A. Wierstamann) Avatar

        The number is an approximation. I set it at 16 not because something drastically changes in any person at their 16th birthday, but because 1) that’s about when most people are done with puberty, 2) if I set it one year lower, there still would be people saying “but why not one year lower”, and it would repeat every time.

        Also, the idea of the age of consent being 25 is regarded as universally bizarre in the pro c community, meanwhile they themselves will debate whether it should be 3, 8, or 12. They are not immune to numbers either and they should stop acting like they are.

    40. Someone Avatar

      How does it make you feel, knowing that I want you to die only after so long screaming in agony that your voice has long since stopped being able to produce sound and your mind has melted into a mad, sparking whorl of thoughtless suffering?

      1. Anemoen (Lecter A.A. Wierstamann) Avatar

        Pretty unimpressed, to be honest. You are not the first who expresses such a desire. And none of you ever moved a finger to make your dreams a reality.

    41. Someone Avatar

      I noticed your banner on NNIA says Authoritarian Communism, now sure I could read the Wikipedia page, but I’m curious to hear what it means to you, and also how you feel about something like Anarchism. I’ve heard oppositional arguments against you as a person that claimed you were an authoritarian, but I feel like there’s some nuance missing here.

      1. Anemoen (Lecter A.A. Wierstamann) Avatar

        Well, it’s a little more complicated than that, a more correct way to describe my views would be saying I support authoritarian socialism while humanity stills exists as is, and communism without prefixes in a post-human transhumanist society. I am somewhat sympathetic towards anarchism, but this isn’t something that will ever work outside of several communes within a large non-anarchist system, because a society that does not have a mechanic against people leaving to do something else (e.g. build a theocracy in a neighbor village) will fall apart, and a society that does have such a mechanic is not anarchist. But people who call me an authoritarian do not mean that, they mean that I deleted some post or banned someone.

    42. Someone Avatar

      are you pro-c?

      also, question: (i support palestine and i am a jew do not worry world) i wanted to know if u are um… antisemetic in anyway, im so sorry i just saw ur pfp and it reminds me of old… bad uniforms im so sorry

      1. Anemoen (Lecter A.A. Wierstamann) Avatar
    43. Someone Avatar

      why are you such a retarded pedophile

    44. Someone Avatar

      Lecter how do you feel about people on other instances making fun of you? I can’t rlly read if they are laughing at you or with you but it feels mean spirited (such as the friends of lecter thing for example!)

      1. Anemoen (Lecter A.A. Wierstamann) Avatar

        As a rule of thumb, people who make fun of me are laughing AT me, not WITH me. “Friends of Lecter” are an actual rare exception, because it comes from Grumpy and House, who are actually my friends. Typically it’s not, though. And I don’t like most jokes about me, I consider them harassment, and I don’t accept “in good humor” as an excuse.

    45. Someone Avatar

      Do you know the band Lord of the Lost? I figured you might like them. Their aesthetic reminds me a little of you.

      1. Anemoen (Lecter A.A. Wierstamann) Avatar

        Yes, I’m a fan. I really like their song “Ruins”.

    46. Someone Avatar

      I’m curious if you ever hear the voice of God,which was imprinted on your soul at Conception,in your peacefull moments that are unimpeded by chemicals or external stimuli? The truth is always simple and never complicated.

      1. Anemoen (Lecter A.A. Wierstamann) Avatar

        My god is spelled with a lowercase letter, at my conception he did not exist yet, and neither did my soul or literally anything else that has significance for me as a person. I also disagree with your definition of a “peaceful moment” and I don’t think the truth is simple.

    47. Someone Avatar

      What are your pronouns? Can’t find it stated anywhere.

      1. Anemoen (Lecter A.A. Wierstamann) Avatar

        Just don’t theythem me, and we’re good.

    48. Someone Avatar

      I’m also yto transage, actually biological middle aged identifying as senior aged. I’ve actually been finding it harder to find online communities for people like us rather than easier. Do you know of yto transage communities, online resources, or offline communities or resources that you can share?

      1. Anemoen (Lecter A.A. Wierstamann) Avatar

        Unfortunately, I do not know any specific communities for ytos.

    49. Someone Avatar

      TY for making flags for some more obscure attractions (fish)

      1. Anemoen (Lecter A.A. Wierstamann) Avatar

        No problem. What kinds of fish are you into?

    50. Someone Avatar

      A lot of fish, but my favorites are marlin, tuna, and stingrays.

      1. Anemoen (Lecter A.A. Wierstamann) Avatar

        I’m mostly a shark guy, but I have a partly non-para fascination with salmon.

    51. Someone Avatar

      What is something you look forward to?

      1. Anemoen (Lecter A.A. Wierstamann) Avatar

        Right now, in the immediate future – something tech-related to be in stock. In general, probably stronger para activism and a better world.

    52. Someone Avatar

      Also really nice profile picture!

      1. Anemoen (Lecter A.A. Wierstamann) Avatar

        Thank you. I traced it from an AI generation, though.

    53. Someone Avatar

      Is it hard to run a blog?

      1. Anemoen (Lecter A.A. Wierstamann) Avatar

        It’s stressful. I worry about a lot of hosting-related things.

    54. Someone Avatar


      1. Anemoen (Lecter A.A. Wierstamann) Avatar

        We rarely know why we want such things. I hope you have fun with it though.

    55. Someone Avatar

      minor from last question (the one who wanted to kiss you platonically, still do) u are so fucking cool??? like actually??? ur epic :3 I wanna be ur friend (I hope to God I’m not becoming parasocial towards u I dont wanna be weird) I just aghshdfhhfdsj ur so cool!!!!

      1. Anemoen (Lecter A.A. Wierstamann) Avatar

        I’m glad you like something about me. Just a little thing though – I don’t actually prefer u/ur pronouns. I use full you/your second person pronouns.

    56. Someone Avatar

      I was just curious as to how you ensure there aren’t any antis on NNIA? I know there’s the whole mandatory vetting process, but like…I remember it being pretty chill. Is there some other element I’m not aware of? Is it just swatting them out when you find them?

      1. Anemoen (Lecter A.A. Wierstamann) Avatar

        I ban them when I find them. A lot of them aren’t very convincing long term.

    57. Someone Avatar

      the minor (again)
      good to see you!!! um. I’m here!!!! call me butterfly for now (It/its). Lovely to meet you!!! sorry I’m just really bad at talking. is there anyway to contact you??? you seem so epic. thank you!!


      1. Anemoen (Lecter A.A. Wierstamann) Avatar

        The shortest way to get to me (out of the ones open to the general public) is through my nnia account.

    58. Someone Avatar

      How do you feel your ASPD impacts your relationships or how you perceive relationships, if it impacts them at all?

      1. Anemoen (Lecter A.A. Wierstamann) Avatar

        It’s hard to say which part is the ASPD and which part is other aspects of me. I know feeling something in tune with my partners does not come naturally to me, but that’s pretty generic.

    59. Someone Avatar

      What does “anti-contact” mean to you? Could you define it? /genuine question

      1. Anemoen (Lecter A.A. Wierstamann) Avatar

        Against direct involvement of someone under 16 into sexual or romantic life of someone significantly older (5 and more years older). An older person accessing pornography that features the younger person counts as direct involvement.

    60. Someone Avatar

      Regarding your graphic on kinks, fetishes and other (with specifiers for age, gender, species, etc). Pretty cool graphic. Though, I had some thoughts on it which I will share.

      The graphic puts objects in the fetish category and while to obviously entirely categorize sexuality would be very difficult (and I think the graphic was pretty decent overall) so I can understand this (and there are plenty of cases of it being more “fetishism” rather than more sexual orientation-like), there is that in which is beyond the level of the typical boundary of fetish as in objectum sexuality. Those who have attraction near identical (except for the subject) to other biological being subjects. There is also the category of those with spirtual beliefs or otherwise beliefs/perceptions in which objects are MORE THAN “just objects” as in consciousness, sentience, individuality and such. Additionally, “fetish” doesn’t really apply for experiences of romantic attractions to objects.

      The boundary for “fetish” and “sexuality” with objects is a bit tough since it’s not really often taken seriously enough to have clear definitions. Might be that “sexuality” involves MORE attachment (in my investigations of how it may be defined by others and mineself) and of course, more clear in the situations of romantic attractions. I’m mostly rambling here and it’s not too well thought out overall so some stuff in which I say might be a bit “iffy”/could be expanded upon (which I will realize after I submit, of course).

      I’m not trying to promote any certain change but rather mention this to see how it is you see it as well and all, because I am curious mostly. (More of a “I feel compelled to write something on it” than a “I have a notable specific idea which I want to convey” circumstance)

      Additionally: on NNIA, explained simply what’s the difference between .space and .cc? Should a .space-r sign up for .cc instead?

      1. Anemoen (Lecter A.A. Wierstamann) Avatar

        A fetish is a type of sexuality that’s defined as an attraction to non reproductive body parts or inanimate objects. It can be sexual romantic, both, or neither. Seeing it as something inherently less profound or more shallow than an average person’s sexuality is a type of paramisia. “Objectum” is just a different name for objectophilia, I say it as an objectophile who’s capable of a large spectrum of attractions and long term relationships with objects.

        Nnia.cc is an extension of nnia.space that appeared after the Newgon admin threatened to take us down. The main difference is that it’s completely closed off from the rest of fediverse. You can use either or both.

    61. Someone Avatar

      Previous asker on objectum. You’re right. I agree. I guess my desire comes from the view to be seen as more legitimate which is a trait of trying to conform rather than change the initial view that “fetish” doesn’t mean less and/or trivial. Good points. I didn’t mean for it to be that way of “less” and was somewhat biased (still somewhat am, but perhaps more willing on progress on this). Fetishists are not less. It was a desire of wanting acceptance, probably but I see rereading that it came from a flawed view of trying to acclimate to existing ideas rather than push for change of no attraction being superior or inferior.

      1. Anemoen (Lecter A.A. Wierstamann) Avatar

        I wasn’t trying to accuse you of bigotry, I’m sorry if my response came across as harsh. Also, got your CC ask. My blog was down, it does this periodically.

    62. Someone Avatar

      If teens are 11–17, then why does “teen” porn contain 18 and 19 year olds?

      1. Anemoen (Lecter A.A. Wierstamann) Avatar

        Porn does not reflect reality adequately.

    63. Someone Avatar

      Lecter, I wish you well. I’ve fallen head over hind legs for you. I love everything you stand for and advocate for. Life best be treating you well, liebe, Fraulin.

      1. Anemoen (Lecter A.A. Wierstamann) Avatar

        Thank you. Are you a therian? I’ve never seen the “hind legs” expression from a non-therian.

    64. Someone Avatar

      Hey Lecter,
      I am a non-offending nepiophile (18 months to 6 years), and I feel like there’s very few of us in the MAP community compared to others. Not sure if you’re going to answer this, but is there anywhere to read MAP erotic-fiction online? It’s mostly protected by free speech (though governments care less and less about that), and I’d rather that than any kind of material that is illegal and might show children suffering actual abuse.

      1. Anemoen (Lecter A.A. Wierstamann) Avatar

        For now I’d recommend “extreme underage” tags on Archive Of Our Own.

    65. Someone Avatar

      I have some questions that I feel I need to educate myself on. I’m new to this community, mostly a lurker. I came from a place of hate and finally now I understand.

      Can you be a pedophile, but feel attraction to children not in a exactly…sexual way? More like romantic attraction or idk… like in a nurturing way? Idk how can I explain that… in a non-sexual way? Or the sexual attraction is needed for pedophilia?

      Can you still feel attraction to children but adults too? Can it be, primarly an attraction to adults but also to children? If yes, how would you be called? Is pedophile correct? Or pedophile is a term only for people who are primarly attracted to children, like, their “focus” of attraction?

      Sorry for the million questions, I’m still learning.

      1. Anemoen (Lecter A.A. Wierstamann) Avatar

        Sorry for not replying to this question for so long. These questions get lost in spam. Yes ace maps exist – I am not ace myself, but I am acespec, and I always first fall for someone romantically, sexually later. Being attracted to both adults and children may be referred to as being non exclusive, and it’s a pretty common experience. And any amount of attraction to children you personally feel is significant enough means you can call yourself a map.

    66. Someone Avatar

      Hello, I hope this question isn’t too insensitive but I am curious about trans-ageness. Is age dysphoria a thing? What does it feel like for you? And how does being trans-age interest with your other non-normative identities? Many thanks!

      1. Anemoen (Lecter A.A. Wierstamann) Avatar

        I actually have a post about this https://wierstamann.net/2023/07/06/my-yto-transage-experience/
        I don’t really touch identity overlaps there, but it does feel very comparable to my transgender identity. I feel like embracing dangerous creep stereotypes is about both being a man and being older for me.

    67. Someone Avatar

      So do MAPs fall out of love with the children they’re attracted to once they grow up?

      1. Anemoen (Lecter A.A. Wierstamann) Avatar

        Some do, some don’t. Same as teleios when their crushes start aging. It depends on specifics of one’s preference more than on the exact age of attraction.

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